A Comprehensive Health Care Approach
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a system of healing that includes acupuncture, internal medicine (Chinese herbology) and moxabustion. These systems are based on principles practiced in the Orient for 3,000 to 5,000 years.
Many diseases and illnesses can not only be prevented, but can be alleviated through Traditional Chinese Medicine. These include treating chronic and acute pain, headache, cold, and flu, as well as, many musculoskeletal disorders. Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective in treating asthma, digestive disorders and insomnia. It can help people to stop smoking and lose weight. It can also treat the sequelae of stroke: hemiplegia paralysis, sensory disorders, ataxia and aphasia. It has been effective with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Progressive Myoatrophy and Multiple Neuritis: periarthritis, sciatica, neck and back pain.
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Acupuncture and FET: Holistic Options for Increasing your Fertility Webinar
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